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What is EDGE photo

What is EDGE?

It’s what ignites the rocket.

It’s what boosts the imagination beyond gravity’s grasp.

It’s what allows the exploration of outer limits.

It’s what measures how far the boundaries can be pushed.

EDGE. It’s the propellant.

EDGE Communication by Design creates highly visual cornerstone images around which highly successful brands are marketed.


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When EDGE Communication by Design?

When EDGE?

When you’re the biggest little secret in town.

When the better mousetrap doesn’t have a name.

When you can’t get there from here.

When the world needs to know.

EDGE. When standing for anything less is simply out of the question.

EDGE Communication by Design, founded in 2001, provides undivided attention, personal expertise and specialized creative talent for the discerning client.


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Where is EDGE photo

Where is EDGE?

It’s where the graffiti hits the concrete.

It’s where today’s demands get nailed on tomorrow’s door.

It’s where your toes grab the diving platform.

It’s where the desert floor collides with the rising sun.

EDGE. It’s where you stand when there’s nowhere else.

EDGE Communication by Design is located in the Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, Arizona USA.


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Who is EDGE photo

Who is EDGE?

EDGE is Theresa Fogle, creative chief and project developer behind EDGE Communication by Design—a brand-building design firm.

EDGE is an extraordinary talent pool of creative photographers, illustrators, designers, writers, and editors.

EDGE is a hand-picked team of experts providing unique perspectives and precise visual solutions for complex image design projects.


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Why EDGE Communication by Design?


Why Magellan? Why Vespuci and Columbus?

Why the Golden Gate Bridge; the Panama Canal?

Why the Spirit of St. Louis?

Why Neil, Buzz and Michael?

EDGE. Because vision and imagination need a place to meet.

EDGE Communication by Design provides clients with visual brand identities that effectively connect them with their audiences.


Graffiti detail photo for Find Your EDGE button


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